Spiel: Anita's Cycle Racing

Homepage / Rennspiele / Mountainbike Spiele / Anita's Cycle Racing Spiel (Anita's Cycle Racing)

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Abgegebene Stimmen:  27 .  66.67%  mögen das Spiel.
Abgegebene Stimmen: 27 . 66.67% mögen das Spiel.
Beschreibung Anita's Cycle Racing:
A grand cycle racing competition aiming at promoting a healthier life is held today. Everybody is welcome to participate in. Anita has been practising for this racing competition for a long time, please help her to finish the whole journey and win the game. Just ook out and try not to bump into other contestants.

Spiel Anleitung:
Arrows = Movement
Spacebar = Look direction


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