Spiel: Tropical Minion

Homepage / Abenteuer Spiele / Minions Spiele / Tropical Minion Spiel (Tropical Minion)

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Abgegebene Stimmen:  249 .  84.74%  mögen das Spiel.
Abgegebene Stimmen: 249 . 84.74% mögen das Spiel.
Beschreibung Tropical Minion:
Tropical Minion is a logic puzzle in which the minions have to deliver tasty fruits with a truck that matches it's color to the appropriate factory. This may sound easy, but the thing is, that once a road is used by one minion, it can't be used anymore by another. That being said, cutting across another route at junctions is of course still allowed. You still have to make sure to prevent crashes at those crossroads and more often than not, you have to think outside box and find different routes to solve a level. Are you able to beat not less than 40 tricky puzzles and deliver the fruits safely? Play Tropical Minion now and show the world, what you do to get a BANANA!

Spiel Anleitung:
Play Tropical Minion with your mouse, tablet, iPad, iPhone or mobile phone


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